miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2008

Robert Pattinson appearance causes increase in Orland Square Mall security.

Given the riots in San Francisco surrounding a mall appearance by Twilight star Robert Pattinson, the Orland Park Police Department has geared up for the actor’s scheduled appearance early Wednesday evening at Orland Square Mall.
In addition, the mall’s own security force is said to be totally ready for the expected hordes of tween and teen girls, who make up the bulk of fans for the Twilight saga of books, penned by Stephanie Meyer.
On Monday, a similar event in San Francisco got crazy when an expected 300-500 attendees swelled to more than 3,000. Things got out of control — during one of many disputes about places in line, one girl was seriously injured and others were trampled, but did not require hospitalization — and Pattinson’s appearance was canceled.
However, a similar appearance in Seattle came off without incident — and that’s what we expect here, said a Chicago representative for Summit Entertainment, the studio distributing Twilight.
Pattinson himself seems reluctant to take up the mantle of celebrity his role as the handsome vampire Edward Cullen is sure to bring, once the film opens Nov. 21. In an interview with the Sun-Times on Sunday in Los Angeles, Pattinson said, That whole thing about being a star or being a celebrity makes me uncomfortable. I love acting, but the rest of it can be bit unnerving.
Since he co-starred in a couple of Harry Potter films, Pattinson said he looked to Daniel Radcliffe as the role model for dealing with success.
Daniel’s handled it all so beautifully. And he’s had to deal with far more stuff than I likely ever will.
However, that could change if, as predicted, the Twilight film spawns another franchise, which Hollywood hopes will be a Harry Potter for girls.
Pattinson is scheduled to sign autographs at the Hot Topics store in the Orland Square Mall, beginning at 6 p.m. Wednesday. That will be followed by a Q&A session in the mall’s main atrium, beginning at 7:30 and expected to last about a half-hour.

martes, 25 de noviembre de 2008

Exclusive Interview: Rob Pattinson Talks 'Twilight'.

Rob Pattinson, aka Edward Cullen in the Twilight juggernaut, chats about rioting fans, working with Kristen Stewart, Perez Hilton, New Moon, and one girl who was begging for a bite.
Just days before Twilight pandemonium is unleashed at a theater near you, Robert Pattinson, who plays the dreamy vampire Edward in the film adaptation of the Stephenie Meyer bestseller, still manages to work the mellow Brit vibe. We caught up with the actor during a quiet moment on the whirlwind promo jaunt for the movie, which hits theaters Nov. 21, to chat about his music, those adoring (if bold) Twilighters, and being one of Perez's boys.
I've been hearing about the fans just going crazy at the promo events for Twilight. You're bearing the brunt of it, huh?
It's been fun. It's weird, I get to a city and I always get told there was a riot earlier on. By the time I get there, it's always quieted down a bit. But it is pretty nuts. I thought it might happen in one city, but it's happening everywhere, in every single city we go to, around the world. It's pretty crazy.

What's the weirdest thing that's happened so far?
Well, this was in New York, at the Apple store. This really, really young girl came up on stage, and she asked me to bite her, but like in such a passionate way — it wasn't really fun and games, Hey, will you bite me, haha, joking! She'd made up her mind, she got on the stage, and she wanted it. Like a real vampire bite.

So did you bite her?
Yeah, I did!

You did?
No, I didn't, really. Of course not. But it was really funny. It's just so strange how I go to these events and a lot of the people who are there are just completely convinced that I'm Edward. I'm really the character from the book, there is no Robert Pattinson. It's so funny. And they react in that way, not as if I'm just an actor.

Do you get stalked when you're just walking down the street on your own? Do people recognize you?
I don't even know. I mean, I haven't really done anything normal for ages now. God, it's been so long since I've even just walked down the street by myself. Actually, in New York, it didn't really happen. I went off on my own a bit. But it's really strange just being in airports and there are people there waiting for you to get off the plane with their cameras, and you're just exhausted. It's so weird. That's the biggest change I've noticed.

Have you seen the movie yet?
I haven't. I don't really watch my stuff at all, so I don't think I will end up seeing it. Well, maybe I will. I think I'll end up seeing it at the premiere, but I really don't like watching myself on screen.

Did you guys use a lot of CGI in the infamous sparkling Edward scene?
As usual, in Oregon, there were incredibly unpredictable, bizarre weather conditions. There was no sunlight that day, as usual, and of course, we needed this big ray of sunlight, so we used a huge light and I turned around into it. There was no make-up or anything on the day. We had tried to do it with make-up, but it just didn't work so we had to do it with special effects. It was done by George Lucas' company, Industrial Light & Magic, and apparently it looks pretty cool but I haven't seen it yet. But the people at the junket said it looks pretty amazing.

What's going on with New Moon?
I think the script's done already, they just need to greenlight it. But I think it all depends on how well Twilight does, whether it's shot or not.

I read somewhere that Catherine Hardwicke, the director, estimated it needs to earn $150 million.
Oh wow! I don't think it's that much! Is it? We've got our work cut out for us then. But I think there's a lot more CGI needed in the second one, so I think it is a significant amount of money. The second book was my favorite book, so I'm quite looking forward to working on it.

Have you read the whole series now?
I haven't. I've read all of the books except for Breaking Dawn. I didn't want to know how it ended. I wanted to have the uncertainty of not knowing where it's going to go, so I just read the first three. I want to read the last one, but I'm determined to wait.

What was it like working with Kristen Stewart?
She's basically the reason I did the movie. When I read the book, and there are these moony descriptions of Edward as this God-like figure, I thought there was no way I could play him, really. But when I got into the room with Kristen, there was just a certain chemistry. And she's just very smart. She's really the best actress of her generation. I'd seen the run of movies she'd done. She's 18, but it just seemed unnecessary for her to do any of that silly teen movie stuff. Even the movies that are supposed to be aimed at teens, she gets out of it not looking like she's in a teen movie. I thought she'd fight to make Twilight as serious as possible. She's a very cool person to work with.

And you guys tried to elevate the characters to another level, huh?
Yeah, it was really funny, looking back on it. When you just read the book, it's deceptively simple. It's an easy read. But when you try to actually play it, it's a lot more difficult. There's got to be a reason why there are so many fans. There's something else to it that people are really connecting with. So we were trying to find what that something else was.

So you were trying to play Edward as a manic depressive, then?
[Laughs] Initially, yes. Not quite a manic, maybe just a depressive. But Catherine talked us down from that a bit.

How does it feel to be one of Perez Hilton's boys? You're on that list alongside Zac Efron and the Jonas Brothers.
[Laughs] It's good. I didn't really know about that site until my mom sent me an email about it. I can't remember what specifically it was about, but she just forwarded something from him. It's just so strange how it all comes at you, literally overnight, all of this stuff. It's funny.

You've dethroned Zac Efron as the teen heartthrob du jour.
I don't think I quite have yet, though it's funny to see my face on T-shirts. I don't really see it as me. But luckily, I don't have that much to live up to because I'm playing a broody vampire. I don't have to be sweet and clean-cut. But it's cool, I guess. It's complimentary. I am grateful about being part of this huge phenomenon. I mean, there are only so many times something like this is going to happen in your life. And I thought I'd had my run with Harry Potter. It is quite insane.

Yeah, what do you do for a topper after doing Harry Potter and Twilight?
I don't know! What else is there? [Laughs] It's crazy, I've kind of cornered the young adult franchise market. But I'm doing this movie called Parts Per Billion in January, with Dennis Hopper and Rosario Dawson. It's a love story set against the end of the world, but none of the three couples it focuses on know it's the end of the world. It's a very poetic, philosophical script, so I think it should be fun. I'm paired up with Olivia Thirlby. She's cool.

I heard you've thrown your name out for the Jeff Buckley biopic that might happen?
I'd love to do it, but I don't think there's even a script out there yet. I don't look anything like him, so I don't know if I could play him. They'd probably go with James Franco — he looks just like him. But I just love his music. I love the idea of it. I don't know too much about his life, though.

Speaking of biopics, you're playing a young Salvador Dalí in Little Ashes. Are you into art?
It's not that much racier than Twilight, actually, despite the gay love aspect. I shot it before Twilight, and it's about Dalí's relationship with the writer Federico García Lorca, when they were in college together and up till about when Dalí was 26. It's about how their relationship affected their art and also how it formed Dalí into who he was in later life, that caricature. But I myself was never really very good at art. I haven't got a very good sense of perspective, in any element of my life, really. [Laughs] One of my best friends is a very, very good sculptor, and he's always annoyed with me because I don't know enough about art. I'm much more interested in film and music.

And you've got two songs featured in Twilight. So is music next?
I don't know. I used to play open mikes a lot before the stuff got leaked on the Web. But then everyone made such a big deal about it, it was a turn off. It just makes it a very different thing when people know who you are. It's like you go to an open mike, but the vibe has completely changed. It has to be an actual performance, whereas before it was just fun. It's just a lot more pressure, so it's different.

Is the audience completely different too now, when you do those? All teenage girls in Twilight T-shirts?
I haven't done one in a while actually, so I don't know. I used to just turn up at places and just do it, I'd never announce it. But then, I don't know how, word just got out so I stopped for a while. But I'm going back to London in December, so maybe I'll do some then.
Uh oh, I'm sure you've got fans booking flights to England now. Here's the last, infamous question. Team Jacob or Team Edward?
I can't really say I was either team, really. How do you decide? Oh, why not. I guess I'm Team Edward. That's the obvious answer. But I'll be Team Jacob in the third one.

lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2008

Twilight star Robert Pattinson talks music, underwear, parking tickets and ... Toenails?

I've also been trying to improve my spelling, actor says of what he's been working on since Twilight.
Here at MTV News, we employ many highly trained journalists who have made it their life's mission to perfect the skill of the interview. But we're never too highfalutin' to remember that, sometimes, the best answers don't come from research, skill and experience, but rather spontaneity, eagerness and the good old-fashioned desire of a fan to simply geek out.
With that in mind, we recently recruited 19-year-old Twilight superfan Laura Culpepper to once again reunite with heartthrob Robert Pattinson as he gets ready to finally unveil his film to a loyal army of Twilighters all over the world just like Laura. RPattz had a lot of fun teasing her about the fact that she wasn't as polished as the media types who've been interviewing him lately, and she got the fast-rising star to cough up news you won't find anywhere but here.
From shopping excursions to buying underpants to his fear of turning into Jennifer Lopez, from his confusion over parking tickets to his love of 2001, this is the interview that will give you a better idea than any of what it's like to hang out with the man sometimes known as Spunk Ransom. So, take it away, Laura...

Laura Culpepper: All right, Rob: Edward [Cullen] obviously has some large flaws, but he is really in touch with them. What would you say is your biggest flaw?

Robert Pattinson: I don't know if I should say. Well, I don't know if they are large. Who's to say if they are large or not? Flaws? I had quite big claws yesterday, but I cut them off. Is that a reasonable answer to the question?

Culpepper: All right. [Laughs.] If you could collaborate with any musician, dead or alive, who would it be?

Pattinson: If I could collaborate with any musician ... James Brown.

Culpepper: James Brown? I love him. Your co-stars Kellan [Lutz] and Nikki [Reed] recently accused you of running like a mountain goat. How do you feel about that?

Pattinson: A mountain goat? [Laughs.] I would have said that I run more like a cheese string.

Culpepper: Is it goat cheese?

Pattinson: Yes, it's a goat-cheese string. What does a mountain goat run like? That is much more athletic than the way I run. I run like a person who has just had their limbs sewn together. I'm not even like a human.

Culpepper: OK. [Laughs.] So, Kellan likes Runts and Cam [Gigandet] loves the Skor Bar...

Pattinson: Runts?

Culpepper: Yeah, they're, like, these tiny little candies, like, sour. What's your favorite candy?

Pattinson: I don't like candy. It doesn't agree with me. I start convulsing.

Culpepper: A lot of Web sites have commented about your hair, which is under wraps today. [He was wearing a hat.] But when you usually have it [piled up], how do you make it do that?

Pattinson: Sometimes I just have to pull my own head out of my ass, you know what I mean? That's what happens! Those are the consequences.

Culpepper: Each Cullen family member has their own special trait that they bring to the table. If you could have any superhero power in real life, which one would you want?

Pattinson: Flying, obviously. Everybody wants to fly. Flying is the best.

Culpepper: The Twilight soundtrack was released today, with a song by you on it. How do you feel about having thousands of people suddenly exposed to your music?

Pattinson: Is it released today? I feel like a complete idiot. I wish I hadn't done it. [Laughs.] I don't know; it's kind of embarrassing. I didn't really think about it before I put it on the soundtrack, and then it's like, Ooh! It looks like I'm trying to be J. Lo.

Culpepper: Did you go into a studio to record specifically for the film?

Pattinson: Yeah, that's the only time I've ever been in a studio. And I literally — since I've done all that stuff — haven't picked up a guitar or even sung in the shower.

Culpepper: Really? So Twilight has basically ruined everything for you?

Pattinson: No. I mean, I liked recording in the studio. It's just people listening to it — that gets embarrassing.

Culpepper: Well, I've heard the song, and I liked it.

Pattinson: Oh good. But that's not how it's supposed to be, by the way. I recorded it specifically [to fit the scene and] I had to make it really quiet so it fits in the background of the scene. But the song is nothing like that. [Sarcastically] So, it's way better in reality — the way I have it in my head.

Culpepper: Speaking of music, if you could choose a band or song that encompasses your interpretation of Edward, what do you pick?

Pattinson: My interpretation of Edward? There is a composer named György Ligeti, and he did a piece called Requiem [for Soprano and Mezzo Soprano solo, mixed Chorus and Orchestra].

Culpepper: Is he Italian?

Pattinson: He's Polish, I think [Ed. Note: Ligeti is actually Austrian.] That piece, that specific piece, signifies a lot of stuff. It's the piece at the beginning of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Culpepper: I don't think I've seen it.

Pattinson: God [laughs], you're literally such an amateur. You can just kiss that internship goodbye!

Culpepper: [Laughs.] Thank you, Rob. I love the support I'm getting here.

Pattinson: You should just quit — quit everything. You're reading off the page! Do you see me reading off a page? [Both laugh.] No, because I'm a professional.

Culpepper: I am reading off [a piece of paper]. I apologize! Publicity for the movie has been really big, from tons of TV spots, to tons of ads in L.A. How does it feel for you to be everywhere?

Pattinson: It's funny, because I really don't think the poster looks like me at all, so I'm like, Whatever. No one really recognizes me. The only place people recognize me is in L.A., and that's pretty much it. Well, I haven't really been anywhere else.

Culpepper: Well, you were just in Rome, weren't you?

Pattinson: I was, but I was just literally going to planned mobbings. I just keep doing that. It gives you a very strange opinion of yourself. You just go to different cities everywhere and it's a series of different, planned mobbings. [Laughs.] But it's fun.

Culpepper: [Looking for the next question] Let's see...

Pattinson: Are you on your extra [questions] yet? Your extra list? So, what's your favorite color?

Culpepper: What is your favorite color?

Pattinson: I don't know. Gray, maybe?

Culpepper: Did you read Breaking Dawn yet, the finale to the series?

Pattinson: I haven't yet. I read the beginning; I just got it the other day.

Culpepper: OK, one final question: Have you been working on anything new? Any new projects?

Pattinson: Well, I've been trying to get healthier.

Culpepper: No, I mean movies.

Pattinson: Well, [my health] is my project at the moment. I've also been trying to improve my spelling; spelling has been the big one for me.

Culpepper: So, no new movies, just spelling. You're working on your grammar.

Pattinson: Yeah, I also had to change my bank account details, and I had a parking ticket the other day — that's an ongoing project. [Laughs.] I still haven't figured out how to pay it; it's too complicated for me.

Culpepper: I think you have to mail something.

Pattinson: Yeah, it's too complicated for me. I keep ringing up [the number on the ticket], and I just get an operator and no one can say anything to help me out with that. Also, I cut my toenails as well...

Culpepper: Oh, you did! [Laughs.]

Pattinson: And I bought some new underpants yesterday — that was another project. Because on this press tour, I forgot to pack underpants. So that was a project which I completed yesterday; I got about four pairs of underpants. I got some socks as well ... and a nail clipper, because I needed to clip my nails. Those are my projects.

Culpepper: Well, that's great, because underwear is important, man. Well, that wraps it up, Rob. [Both laugh.] Thank you so much, Rob. It's always so cool to see you.

We've got the biggest exclusives from tomorrow's blockbusters today. Check out the premiere of MTV's Spoilers on Friday, November 14, at 7:30 p.m., for first looks at Twilight, Watchmen, Bride Wars, Bedtime Stories and The Day the Earth Stood Still. And before the most-anticipated film of the year, Twilight, opens November 21, we're celebrating with 10 Days of Twilight, featuring exclusive interviews, scenes, photos and more.
Plus, every Tuesday is Twilight Tuesday here at MTV News! Check back here each and every week for the hottest scoop on the film adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's beloved vampire series, and we'll still bring you breaking Twilight news throughout the rest of the week. And make sure you check out the MTV Movies Blog for our ongoing Twilight discussions each and every day.Check out everything we've got on Twilight.

domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2008

Robert Pattinson Interview TWILIGHT.

As most of you know, opening in less than 2 weeks is Summit Entertainment’s Twilight movie. The film is based on the hugely successful Stephenie Meyers book and it’s the story of Bella and Edward….In case you’re one of the few that doesn’t know the story, Twilight is a modern-day love story between a teenage girl and a vampire.

Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) has always been a little bit different, never caring about fitting in with the trendy girls at her Phoenix high school. When her mother re-marries and sends Bella to live with her father in the rainy little town of Forks, Washington, she doesn't expect much of anything to change. Then she meets the mysterious and dazzlingly beautiful Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), a boy unlike any she's ever met. Edward is a vampire, but he doesn't have fangs and his family is unique in that they choose not to drink human blood. Intelligent and witty, Edward sees straight into Bella's soul. Soon, they are swept up in a passionate, thrilling and unorthodox romance. To Edward, Bella is what he has waited 90 years for – a soul mate. But the closer they get, the more Edward must struggle to resist the primal pull of her scent, which could send him into an uncontrollable frenzy.

Anyway, this weekend was the domestic press junket and I was able to participate in roundtable interviews with most of the cast and director Catherine Hardwicke. Since a number of you are huge fans of the series and are desperate for any and all news… here’s the transcript of my interview with Robert Pattinson. During our interview he talked about making the movie, what he has coming up, and he tells a few great behind the scenes stories. If you’re a fan of Twilight I think you’ll really like this interview. As always, you can either read the transcript below or listen to the audio of the interview by clicking here. You can also save the audio to your computer so you can play it on your iPod. Finally, if you missed the 4 minute sizzle reel and the 15 minutes of behind the scenes footage from Twilight that I posted last night, click here. Twilight opens November 21st... like you didn’t know...

Question: Are really ready for the fandom that's going to result from this film?
Pattinson: Yeah. My brain doesn't really accept it. So it's fine. I can be put anywhere and it just goes completely over my head. I just don't want to get stabbed or something. Literally, my representation asked me, Do you have any problems with this? Is it going to be okay? I said, I just don't want to get shot or stabbed. I don't want someone to have a needle and I'll get AIDS afterwards. That's only my real fears.
Question: And the scary part is that there are probably people out there who would do that.
Pattinson: I know. Whenever I see a crowd I always think that. It's like being on a plane. I think the bottom is going to hit the runway when it's taking off.
Question: The picture of you in Entertainment Weekly article is that you were obsessive about playing this role and had a lot of angst about taking it on. Is that true?
Pattinson: Yeah. I didn't want to do a stupid teen movie. I specifically hadn't done anything which anyone would see since Harry Potter because I wanted to teach myself how to act. I didn't want to be an idiot. This came kind of randomly and I didn't really know what it was when it first started. I was going to wait for another year. I wanted to do two or three more little things and then do something bigger and then this kind of happened and I was like, Well, okay. I had done another movie where I'd gotten really intense about it before and I felt kind of satisfied afterwards, much more satisfied than I had from other movies. I don't know how it turned out or what the result from getting intense about something is, but you definitely feel more satisfied. I wanted to take that into Twilight and also try to break down the assumption that if a movie is being made from a book which is selling a lot of copies, which every single book that sells a lot of copies now is made into a movie immediately and they'e virtually all not very good and everyone knows, even six year olds know, that it's just to make money – I didn't want to be involved in something like that. I thought Catherine [Hardwicke] and Kristen [Stewart] would be supportive of that. But they've also got reputations whereas I don't have a reputation at all. So I wanted to make sure that by the time people got to Portland that I knew everything about everything and just be like really – I didn't talk to anyone about anything other than the part for about a month and a half of the shoot. I think it kind of galvanized people. I think most people read the book and it's an easy read. It's a nice book. So I think most people went in thinking, Yeah, it's a happy film. I'm like holding the book and saying, No! This is going to win Oscars! [laughs]
Question: Did that approach make him harder to let go of when the movie was done?
Pattinson: No, not really. It broke down as I was doing it mainly because people wanted me to make it lighter. At the same time, me thinking that my idea would work and all of that it was different to the book where he makes little quips and stuff. He's a confident character and no girls, if you're writing the perfect guy you wouldn't write him as some manic depressive weirdo who's trying to kill himself all the time whatever his six pack is like. So I spent a long time fighting with producers. Catherine got me a copy of the book with every instance that he smiled highlighted and I was just like, Okay, fine.
Question: Actually in the next book you do try to kill yourself.
Pattinson: I know. I was like, Well, I'll just wait for the sequel.
Question: Stephenie Meyer wrote Midnight Sun or started to anyway from Edwards point of view. Did she share any of that with you when you talked about character?
Pattinson: Yeah. She gave it to me about two thirds into shooting. I didn't even know that it existed. I knew that the first chapter existed and I based a lot of my angst from that on the character, from that first chapter that was on the internet. It's talking about how little control he has. In the book it seems that when he says, I'm a monster and I'm going to kill you – and she says, I'm not afraid – you kind of know the whole time in the book that he's never going to do anything bad. But then you read that first chapter in Midnight Sun where the full extent of how much he wanted to kill her and how he's considering killing the entire school just so that he can kill her becomes evident. I wanted that element of him to be very prominent. I wanted Bella to be saying, I'm not scared. You won't do anything to me – but not so certainly. So that it'd suddenly be like, You won't do anything to me, will you? I kind of wanted something like that. I think it makes it sexier if there's a very real chance of him just flipping out and killing her.
Question: You and Kristen have a great chemistry, but you also have great chemistry with your family in the film. Can you talk about that dynamic both onscreen and off?
Pattinson: It was strange. Like I definitely had a thing with Kristen like that. I mean, all the scenes are pretty intense and when you're working with one person most of the time especially on a relationship that seems impossible when you first start it you get like a little bubble. But with the family, they're just really funny people and so I just got on with them. It wasn't really acting. I just had an American accent. Peter [Facinelli] is one of the funniest people I've ever met. Is the line in there where Rosalie breaks the bowl and Peter says, Oh, Rosalie always busted my bowls? It's cut out? That was literally my favorite line in the whole movie.
Question: What do you think is the secret to the chemistry that you and Kristen developed and shared throughout the movie?
Pattinson: I think it was just doing the opposite of what the actual story is, thinking about it in the opposite way. Right from the beginning in the audition we did the meadow scene which isn't in a meadow in the film, but it's supposed to be about, I guess, him trying to intimidate her and her looking at him with nothing but love and adoration and awe, as if this god has just come down to meet her. But I really thought and I played it as this god is broken at this normal girl's feet. Even the position that we were in at the end I was literally kneeling at her feet. I can't remember what happens in the movie, but that was in the audition. She was doing this mothering thing as he's looking to this normal girl for support. I think that really works. She's very strong. She's not a damsel type girl. It's weird. They just cast the opposite people. I'm a wreck and she's really strong and it's supposedly the other way around. I think that's why it kind of worked.
Question: Peter said that you were really sucking at baseball and that he had to really help you with that.
Pattinson: I keep hearing that. He must be going into every single meeting saying that. I'm terrible at baseball. Catherine was so intense about wanting me to look like a pro baseball player and I just didn't care at all. For a lot of the rehearsal period that we could've been doing stuff there I wanted to be doing proper rehearsals and she was like, No. You have to look like a baseball player. So I was like fucking having this teacher show me the ready position and Catherine was like, Okay, let me see it. I was like, Listen, I'll do it on the day. I'll do a ready position. I can fucking squat. So I finally did it and then for the rest of the shoot whenever she had a question about blocking or something like that I was like, I think I should do my ready position. I think it's really, really necessary.
Question: What was up with you proposing marriage to Kristen? Was that just a rumor?
Pattinson: I can't even remember when this happened. Kristen is like, Yeah, you did. I was like, Oh. I think that someone else sent me a text the other week saying, Are we still on for our marriage? I think it was yesterday that I was supposed to marry someone else.
Question: Is this a regular thing with you?
Pattinson: I guess it must be.
Question: You're playing Salvador Dali in Little Ashes. What's it been like playing this iconic painter?
Pattinson: It's not that similar, but again it's iconic because I guess that Edward is an iconic character too. But I just did the same thing, breakdown what you know about him. Also, there's a ton of literature which he wrote and about him and then you just kind of build that back up again. Also, when I was playing him it was when he was very young, eighteen to twenty six and the story is about his descent or assent into this caricature of which everyone knows. He was this chronically shy kid when he was younger. So it's really not playing Dali per say, apart from towards the end of it and I'm still not really playing him. It's more the mood of Dali I think. I just researched tons and tons of stuff because everyone spoke Spanish on the set and so I just read all day. It was the first time that I ever really got into characterization, trying to work on movements. There was a photo of him pointing and I kept trying to figure out he pointed, for like three days. I've never done that for any job. I was doing tons of stuff on his walk and such. By the end, I have no idea [how it turned out]. Someone said to me the other day, I had no idea it was about Dali until you had the mustache at the end. I was just like, Oh, great. I think it's a kind of homage to him, I guess, in that performance. I've never related to a character more than him which is really weird because everyone thinks that he's some nut job. When he was younger, if you read his autobiographical stuff – he wrote three autobiographies which completely contradict each other. Literally in one of them he said that his mother sucked his dick and all this stuff and then in another one he says that his mother was the greatest mother in the whole world and gave him the best childhood he'd ever had. There are chapters called Truth and other ones are called Lies and then lies and the truths and stuff, it's just really funny. There was so much about him that I found fascinating. It's depressing how he did it himself and yet everyone sees him as this mask. He wanted that, but it's so funny how he was so much more than just this bizarre clown that he was at the end of his life who only cared about money. He was an incredibly complex person. I'm not saying that I am. I'm not at all.
Question: What do you have coming up then?
Pattinson: I'm doing a little movie called Parts Per Billion with Dennis Hopper and Rosario Dawson in January and hopefully something else just after. We have to wait and see if a sequel is happening. I don't want to jinx it so I don't want to say anything.
Question: There's a lot of rumors that Hollywood is gearing up for a ton of production in February, March and April. Even if they wanted to do a Twiligh' sequel it'll take time to get it all together I'm sure.
Pattinson: Yeah. The thing is that I have to stay the same age unless they recast me. So they'd have to shoot it quite quick because I already look about three years older than I did then. So they can't wait too long.
Question: How weird is it to see reports on your hair on the internet everyday?
Pattinson: Actually, I was in New York doing a radio interview and they people sending in messages. Ninety five percent of the messages were saying, Take your hat off. I was just like, Okay. When people say something has become a trademark you have got to get rid of it. It's the worse.
Question: Did anything from your Harry Potter experience prepare you for the whole pop culture phenomenon of Twilight?
Pattinson: Having it die down afterwards. Having it being the hot thing for a few months and then it just going and no one giving a shit. It helps. It helps once you get used to it and know that no one will care. Once you're immune to failure it's like nothing matters.
Question: Are you still doing music?
Pattinson: Not so much anymore. Since I was on the soundtrack I've given up [laughs].


sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2008

'Twilight' countdown: Robert Pattinson answers even more of your questions (part 2).

In the second part of our fan-powered Robert Pattinson interview (Part I is here), Rob talks -- and giggles -- about reading his fan mail (yup, he reads a lot of it), that crazy trip to Mexico, playing Salvador Dali in Little Ashes and what he likes best about himself.
Again, if your question didn't make it this time, I'll be talking to the cast Saturday, and I'll make a final attempt to get some in. I'll also be speaking with Kristen Stewart at length, so any lingering questions for her should go in the comments section below.

  • Do you read the fan mail?

Yeah. I do that quite a lot actually, because I get batches sent from London. I go through tons and tons of it at a time. I get sent some good stuff. I’ve gotten some really good books. I had this amazing thing made by a fan website, this really amazing bound book with all of these notes inside it. I mean, it must have taken ages to make. I remember thinking, Why? (laughs). But, no, it was amazing. Someone sent me a book I’m reading right now, a book of Charles Baudelaire poems. I thought, Wow, I was going to buy that. That was nice.

  • Do you have a team that helps you wade through or do you go through it all yourself?

I go through it myself, but I think I might get them censored, because I’m always expecting to get the one thing that says, I know where you live and I’m going to kill you! I’m always expecting that to come, but it never seems to arrive. I never get any negative mail, so someone must be censoring them.

  • What is the scariest thing a fan has done to get your attention?

I haven’t really had any scary moments! I’m just scared of crowds (laughs). I just think people require things of me whenever there’s a screaming crowd, and I always think I won’t be able to provide what they want, so that’s why I look scared all the time (laughs). Mexico was quite scary -– but in a good way. I mean, it’s always kind of amusing because it’s all so new to me.

  • There was plenty of video of your trip on YouTube.

It’s just funny. Like, What are you guys on? It’s funny. We couldn’t get away in the car.

  • So what happens when you’re trapped?

Catherine Hardwicke told me about fans getting up-close-and-personal with you in Italy during the book signing ... When you’re in a situation that feels like it’s gotten out of control, I find that the more you stress out about it, the worse it would get. The whole thing is just funny. It’s like if you have a whole crowd of people running down the street at you, screaming, if you just stood there and didn’t make any attempt to move away, they’d probably get up to you and go Ummmmmm. The whole excitement of it is the hunt, isn’t it? I don’t know.

  • Had you known how huge Twilight was going to become, would you still have taken the role?

Yeah, definitely. I think I would have done it differently though. When I went into Harry Potter, I knew what the deal was, so I had this level of acceptance in my brain. It’s nice to know the whole situation before you do a part. But I liked doing Twilight. It’s been a very interesting and bizarre experience for me, the whole thing.

  • Talk about Little Ashes. What was appealing about playing a young Salvador Dali?

When I took it, I didn’t know much about Dali. It was a good script and it was shooting in various different areas of Spain, which was a bonus. I knew very little about him, but I knew from seeing videos of him when he’s older, that he’s obviously kind of an extrovert. I hadn’t played that kind of a character before, so that was appealing. I researched tons and I wound up finding a lot of stuff that I liked about him just as a man, not necessarily as an artist.

  • Are there any other kind of roles you hope come your way not that your profile’s been raised considerably?

I don’t have any ideas about it. When I like something, I’m always shocked that I like it. They’re always really different. But I don’t really have any specific hopes about it.

  • Is there any one you really want to work with on a project?

Not really. I’d like to work with Jack Nicholson because I was so obsessed with him when I was younger.

  • Obsessed?

I just wanted to be cool? (laughs). He’s the one actor that anything he does…if you see a movie with Jack Nicholson in it, you know it’s worth having. He’s got a good record.

  • What is the best and the worst thing about being a celebrity?

The best thing is you’re seen differently in the eyes of the industry. And that’s kind of necessary to get the jobs you want. A lot of the time, it’s helpful to be famous. The worst thing is getting photographed. I just never liked getting photographed. It’s not exactly that bad a thing. You really have to have caused it to get photographed all the time, so it’s not that much of a hassle for me.

  • If you had three hours of free time right now, what would you do with them?

Go to sleep.

  • What is your favorite thing to do all by yourself?


  • What’s the best book you’ve read recently? You’re not allowed to say Twilight.

(Laughs) New Moon. (Laughs again). I recently read a book of E.M Forster’s short stories that was really good.

  • It’s been reported that you said you’d originally wanted to do political speech writing. Is that something you still want to do?

That’s what I wanted to do while I was in school, yeah. I just liked the whole idea of it. I wanted to be involved with politics. That’s what my whole plan was. I was going to go to university and then I just thought, Ah, I can’t be bothered to do anything (laughs). I don’t want to do any more homework!

  • What makes you cry?

Sometimes music. I very rarely cry about stuff. Or coughing. Coughing makes me cry sometimes (laughs).

  • What do you like best about yourself?

I like not really caring what people think of me. I mean, I kinda do, but at the same I don’t at all (laughs). I can’t really tell which one is true.

viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2008

'Twilight' countdown: Robert Pattinson answers even more of your questions.

This is the home stretch, Twilight fans. In celebration, here's Part 1 of our Robert Pattinson fan special. I did my best to cram as many of the questions all of you submitted into the interview, and I must say, he was a pretty good sport...
You guys wanted to know what he put in his hair -- I asked him. You guys wanted to know about filming the love scenes with Kristen -- he revealed that Kristen's got one heck of a dark side!
Of course, I did not get to all of the questions. There were hundreds. But if you don't see it answered here, know that there's still Part 2 coming, and I'll have a chance to ask a few more at the press junket this Saturday, so do stay tuned!
As you can see, he had a serious case of the giggles Tuesday morning:

What goes through your mind when you’re greeted by crowds of screaming fans?
It’s kind of like being in some medieval battle (laughs). I mean I guess that’s the closest analogy, especially after yesterday. A ton of people ran down the street outside the Apple store. I felt like I was literally being charged by Celts (laughs).

How many bodyguards are around you when you do these events?
It depends. I don’t know how many there were yesterday, but there were like NYPD cops everywhere! It was completely crazy. There were four guys just literally carrying me out of the place (laughs). It was quite funny.

Have you seen yourself as dazzling Edward in the meadow yet?
No, I haven’t. I don’t watch my stuff. Ever.

Because it makes me feel like I’ll never want to do a job again (laughs).

Why did you audition for Twilight? What did you know about it going in?
I knew a bit about it. I didn’t know much about the book. I went into it thinking it was a vampire film directed by Catherine Hardwicke, who does like gritty sort of realistic indie films. If you’re doing a vampire fantasy shot like
Thirteen, then that would be interesting. That’s why I went into it really, and it ended up being something totally and utterly different.

How so?
It’s very intimate. In Harry Potter, there are entire worlds encompassed in it.
Twilight is so claustrophobic in some ways. The little town of Forks is so small, and the way it’s written is so obsessive. But because it’s so lingering, it takes on this different power, and the whole story becomes this sort of opera, which I didn’t have any idea about when I went in to do it.

Did you and Kristen become friends, and if you did, was it awkward filming the love scenes together?
Yeah, definitely we’re friends. Those things are really, really awkward. Especially because [in the movie] it’s supposed to be so intensely sexual and everything (laughs). You’re like really putting yourself on the line. It’s very embarrassing.
How did you prepare to do it?
The big scene where they try and kiss and he goes crazy, it’s like the climax moment of their relationship. Well, not the climax, but it’s like a pivotal scene in the whole movie. And, actually, a lot of my preparation for the whole character was kind of leading up to that scene. Kristen was really into Bella being a sadomasochist.

Wait, not a sadomasochist! I mean a masochist (laughs). She was into that whole thing. She’d say: Yeah, Bella just likes being hurt (laughs). Be really rough!

Some of the TwilightMOMS have told me they’re trying to get you a gig as host of Saturday Night Live. They want to know if that’s something you’d be game to do.
It would be quite nerve-racking! No, that would be fun! But, um, I’m not very funny, I don’t know if that would work out. No, that would be cool, that would be really cool.

What do you use in your hair that makes it stand no matter what you do to it?
This kind of residue product from my youth (laughs). I don’t know, I guess just stressing out all the time, I’m just always grabbing my hair and stuff. It’s so funny how that’s become a thing, my stupid hair. I just need a haircut! I need a haircut and I don’t like hair being in my face. Now it’s like, It’s his signature style! (laughs). I’m definitely going to cut it pretty soon though.

Is there an actor or musician whose career you’d like to emulate?
Well, there are always periods in musicians’ careers. I would like Van Morrison’s between 1965 and 1988 (laughs). Before he did that thing with Cliff Richard.

Will you be recording any of your own music soon, beyond what you did for the Twilight soundtrack?
I haven’t got any plans to. I mean, I might. But I have no plans to release anything.

What do you do to relax?
I don’t really have to do anything specifically. I like looking out the window (laughs). I’m pretty relaxed most of the time.

Do you prefer playing the piano or guitar?
It depends what mood I’m in. It’s an even balance. I haven’t played the piano in such a long time so whenever I play it now it’s like really therapeutic. I love playing the piano. I don’t have a piano anymore, annoyingly. I don’t have my apartment in London anymore. I don’t have anything.

What have you learned, if anything, about what girls want from having played Edward?

How have you upped your game?
(Laughs) Well, I always knew that girls liked six-packs (laughs), but that didn’t really make me change. Oh! Girls really like guys who drive Volvos. I would never have thought that!

What is your favorite kind of car?
I’d like to have a vintage Porsche or the '70s Ferraris are beautiful as well.

-- Denise Martin.

jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2008


Amanecer (Breaking Dawn) es la cuarta novela de la saga Crepúsculo escrita por Stephenie Meyer y la última que se narrará desde la perpectiva de Bella Swan. La saga está dividida en cuatro libros, incluído Amanecer, y todos ellos están contados por Bella a excepción del tercero en el que se combina la narración de Bella con la de Jacob Black. Tras este libro, la autora planea publicar Sol de Medianoche desde el punto de vista de Edward Cullen. Amanecer se puso a la venta el 2 de agosto de 2008 en inglés y el 8 de octubre en español.

Concepto y creación:

El título, Amanecer, es una referencia al comienzo de la vida de Bella como vampiro, de hecho, la portada es una metáfora de la progresión de Bella a lo largo de toda la saga. Al principio, es la ficha más débil del tablero, el peón, pero al final se convierte en la más fuerte, la reina. Amanecer está influenciada por las obras de teatro El Mercader de Venecia y El Sueño de una Noche de Verano. En un principio, la autora escribió un libro titulado Forever Dawn (Amanecer eterno), como una secuela a Crepúsculo. El argumento es el mismo, sin embargo, este relato estaba narrado completamente desde el punto de vista de Bella. Además, los hombres lobo y Jacob eran personajes con poca importancia para la trama, Victoria y Laurent estaban vivos y constaba de un epílogo. Meyer declaró que a lo mejor publica algunos extras algún día si encuentra tiempo para revisar el manuscrito de Forever Dawn puesto que es tan largo como Amanecer. Algunos miembros de su familia le han comentado que hay un par de cosas que echan de menos así que empezaría con eso.En relación al nombre único de Renesmee, la autora ha comentado que: "No podía llamarla Jennifer o Ashley. ¿Qué nombre se le pone a un bebé único en el mundo? Busqué en un montón de páginas web con nombres para niños y, al final, me di cuenta de que no había ningún nombre humano que me fuese a gustar, así que decidí inventarme el mío propio." La idea de incluir el embarazo en su historia surgió cuando se topó con la leyenda del íncubo, un demonio que puede tener hijos. Con respecto a la decisión de terminar la saga, Meyer ha comentado que: "Crepúsculo es la historia de Bella y este era el momento natural para acabarla. Bella ha superado los principales obstáculos que había en su camino y ha conseguido llegar á donde quería. Supongo que podría haber tratado de prolongar la historia de forma antinatural pero no sería lo suficientemente interesante como para seguir escribiendo. Las historias necesitan tener conflictos pero los que están centrados en Bella ya se han resuelto."

Argumento: Puede contener spoilers.

Amanecer está dividido en tres partes. La primera parte trata sobre el matrimonio de Bella y su luna de miel con Edward en una isla privada de la costa de Brasil. Edward le concede su deseo a Bella y se acuestan juntos. Poco después, Bella descubre una caja de tampones sin usar y se da cuenta de que está embarazada. Tras hablar con Carlisle la idea se ve confirmada y Edward y ella regresan a casa. Éste, preocupado por su bienestar, la insta a abortar ya que el bebé se alimenta de la energía de Bella. Sin embargo, ella quiere quedarse con el niño y decide pedir ayuda a Rosalie que siempre quiso ser madre.Jacob Black narra la segunda parte de la novela que trata sobre el embarazo de Bella y el nacimiento del bebé. La manada de hombres lobo, que desconoce los peligros que este niño puede entrañar, traza un plan para destruirlo aunque supone matar a Bella para llevarlo a cabo. Jacob no está de acuerdo y se subleva, abandonando así la manada y creando la suya propia con Seth y Leah Clearwater. Por su parte, Edward descubre que puede leer los pensamientos del bebé, el cual quiere a Bella, descartando así la idea del aborto. Bella da a luz a penas un mes después de haberse quedado embarazada. Al hacerlo, se le rompen un gran número de huesos y pierde una gran cantidad de sangre así que, para salvar su vida, Edward le inyecta su ponzoña y la transforma en vampiro. Jacob, presente durante el alumbramiento, se imprima inmediatamente de la hija recién nacida de Bella, Renesmee (a la que él apodará Nessie).La última parte del libro retorna a la perspectiva de Bella que ha sido convertida en vampiro y disfruta de su nueva vida. Sin embargo, mientras Bella, Jacob y Renesmee están de caza se encuentran con Irina que confunde a Renesmee con una "niña inmortal" (un niño que ha sido convertido en vampiro antes de ser suficientemente mayor como para poder responsabilizarse de sus acciones). Irina acude a los Volturi, pues ellos habían prohibido la creación y protección de esta clase de niños, y éstos deciden destruir a Renesmee. Para intentar salvarla, los Cullen reúnen a vampiros de todo el mundo que puedan ser testigos y probar a los Volturi que Renesmee no es una niña inmortal. Mientras se enfrentan a los aliados y a los testigos de los Cullen, los Volturi descubren que han sido mal informados e inmediatamente ejecutan a Irina por su error. Sin embargo, siguen indecisos en lo que respecta a Renesmee pues no saben si puede ser una amenaza para la existencia secreta de los vampiros. En ese momento, Alice y Jasper, que se habían marchado antes de la confrontación, regresan con Nahuel que, como Renesmee, es mitad vampiro, mitad humano y tiene 150 años. Él demuestra que esta especie no es una amenaza y los Volturi se marchan puesto que saben que no les queda ninguna razón para destruir a Renesmee. Bella, Edward y Renesmee pueden así volver a casa y retomar sus vidas en paz.


Se ha comentado mucho acerca del posible significado de la portada de Amanecer. Que es un tablero de ajedrez con un peon rojo al fondo y una gran reina blanca adelante. La mejor explicacion seria que el peon es Bella en sus comienzos. Era la mas débil de los Cullen. La reina representaria a Bella como vampireza. Antes era la mas debil, pero ahora es la mas poderosa del clan.


Amanecer ha recibido, en general, críticas negativas. Publisher's Weekly declaró que el principal problema era que todos consiguen lo que quieren, incluso si para ello hay que llevar a cabo un cambio radical en la caracterización del personaje o hay que introducir una historia pasada sin que encaje muy bien dentro del argumento. Nadie renuncia a nada o sufre más que de forma temporal, en otras palabras, se pierde la grandeza de la obra. The Washington Post también tuvo críticas negativas para la novela puesto que considera que Meyer ha puesto en juego su tan querida creación. Sin embargo, un artículo del The Daily News Tribune, decía que es difícil no enamorarse del suspenso ademas de su sensibilidad proyectada en Amanecer y esa pareja tan insólita que lucha por encontrar la luz en la oscuridad de su mundo. En una entrevista, Stephenie Meyer respondió a las críticas de los fans diciendo que se trataba del "efecto Rob" pues cree que la gente necesita tiempo para acostumbrarse al final de Amanecer, igual que necesitaron tiempo para aceptar que Robert Pattinson interpretara a Edward en la película de Crepúsculo.

Potencial para una película:

En este momento no hay planes para hacer una película de Amanecer. Stephenie ha declarado en su página web que, en caso de llevarse a cabo, tendría que hacerse en dos películas ya que considera difícil que toda la acción pueda ser desarrollada en sólo 90 minutos. Según ella, el libro es demasiado largo. También cree que podría resultar imposible de hacer puesto que no hay ninguna actriz que pudiera interpretar el papel de Renesmee, un bebé capaz de pensar y comunicarse casi como un adulto. "Incluso si se desarrollase por ordenador, no parecería real aunque, hoy en día, la tecnología hace cosas increíbles y todavía queda un poco de tiempo."

Sacado de Wikipedia.

martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008


Eclipse es una novela de fantasía y romance para jóvenes. Fue escrita por la autora Stephenie Meyer y publicada el 2007; es la tercera parte de una serie de cuatro libros, que también incluye a Crepúsculo, Luna Nueva y Amanecer.

Sinopsis: Bella se encuenta en un nuevo peligro: una serie de misteriosos asesinatos esta sembrando el pánico en la vecina localidad de Seattle y hay un ser maligno detrás de todo esto, sediento de venganza. Tendrá que elegir entre el amor por Edward y la amistad de Jacob, consciente de que su decisión podrá desencadenar definitivamente la guerra entre vampiros y hombres lobos. La historia comienza con una carta de Jacob a Bella, mostrado el ambiente de tensión que quedó luego del regreso de Edward a la vida de Bella. Mientras que Charlie (padre de Bella) le demuestra al vampiro que no es bien recibido en casa.¿Jacob o Edward? ¿A quién escogerá Bella?

Resumen: Tras la pelea que hubo entre Jacob y Bella, esta recibe un castigo por parte de Charlie, quien después de notar un excelente comportamiento por parte de su hija lo levanta, con una condición: tratar de recuperar a sus amigos abandonados, incluido Jacob Black. Bella acepta y esta es libre de salir de su casa además de ir a la escuela y a trabajar. Charlie se demuestra más descortés y sobreprotector que nunca con Edward, quien trata de ganarse su confianza de nuevo.Mientras tanto una oleada de asesinatos inexplicables azotan la ciudad de Seattle, por lo que Charlie prohibe a Bella ir a la violenta ciudad.Un día cuando Edward esta en la habitación de Bella, descubre los boletos de avión con destino a Jacksonville, regalo de cumpleaños por parte de Carlisle y Esme. Los boletos están apunto de caducar y es por eso que hacen un viaje para ver a Reneé en Florida. Cuando Bella vuelve a Forks, Charlie le avisa que Jacob le había llamado varias veces por teléfono, Bella devuelve la llamada de inmediato, pero cuando Jacob contesta se limita a preguntarle si asistiría el día siguiente a clases y cuelga de inmediato.Al día siguiente Jacob se encuentra en la escuela, y tanto Edward como Jacob se insultan el uno al otro con todos los compañeros de Bella presentes. Jacob se va tras haberle dado un mensaje de parte de Sam a Edward. En clase de Lengua, Bella le exige a Edward saber que había pasado el fin de semana que se habían ausentado. Edward le responde que Alice había visto regresar a Victoria, razón por la que decidió llevársela de inmediato a Florida. Ese fin de semana Emmett y Jasper la habían perseguido, hasta la frontera que estaba marcada con los quileutes, por lo que un licántropo pensó que habían traspasado la línea, y se pusieron en defensa.Toda la familia Cullen fue de caza después del incidente, pero Alice, se había quedado cazando cerca por propia seguridad de Bella. Esta, se dio a la idea repentina de ir a visitar a Jacob a La Push, una rápida descición, que no tenía en mente e imposible de ver por Alice.Bella llegó a La Push sin ser detectada por Alice. Jacob se sorprende al verla y al mismo tiempo se entusiasma, tras esto hablan acerca de su relación con Edward. Es en este momento cuando Bella le cofiesa a Jacob lo que había pasado en Italia y sus planes para después de la graduación. Jacob toma una reacción realmente positiva con el asunto aunque no fuera de su agrado. Mientras Bella conducía a casa de Ángela, a quien iba a ayudar con sus invitaciones de graduación, ve aparecer el Volvo plateado que caracterizaba a Edward. Al regresar a casa Edward le da una platica acerca de cómo era peligroso que estuviera con los hombres lobo. Edward retoma la caza que había dejado por acudir con Bella. La rabia invade a la chica cuando se da cuenta de que Alice la iba a cuidar o como ella decía "raptar" mientras su novio se ausentaba por dos días, Alice explica que le pagarían con el Porsche amarillo que su hermnao le había prometido en Italia, para cuidar a Bella cada vez que Edward se ausentara. Esa noche se quedaría con Alice en una fiesta de pijamas, Alice se había ocupado de traer sus pertenencias. Bella cancela sus planes de ida a La Push y justo después de irse a la cama, Rosalie entra en su cuarto para convencerla de no transformarse en vampiro, le cuenta su triste historia y como odiaba no poder haber tenido un final feliz.Al día siguiente en la escuela, aún custodiada por Alice. Jacob Black llega de repente en una moto y se lleva a Bella a La Push, sin que Alice pudiera hacer algo que no implicara delatar la existencia de los vampiros. Después de un día completo en compañía del licántropo, Bella le confiesa que era sólo cuestión de semanas el que se convirtiera en un vampiro. Jacob responde de manera furiosa que preferiría que ésta muriera, y Bella se va echando chispas a su casa en su moto. Cuando la chica regresa a casa de los Cullen, Alice se muestra totalmente relajada y comprensible. Esa noche Edward regresa y platica con Bella sobre lo sucedido en La Push y accede a que la chica lo visite de vez en cuando.Al día siguiente Bella regresa a su casa y se encuentra con su habitación limpia y ordenada, sin embargo faltaban varias prendas de ropa y sospechó de Alice quien se había encargado de llevar sus cosas para la "pijamada". Edward llega a su casa y le informa que no reconocían el olor del intruso. Fueron directamente a la Mansión Cullen y discutieron sobre quien podría ser, y aunque no llegaron a un acuerdo aceptaron ponerse alertas. Charlie avisó a la muchacha que Jacob había llamado de nuevo, Jacob se disculpó por su reacción el otro día y Edward le pidió de favor visitar la casa de Bella para ver si podía percibir un olor en cuanto al intruso. Jacob llega en un santiamén y Edward aprovecha para irse. Hace su trabajo y ayuda a Bella a lavar los platos y en un descuido se hace una cortada en la palma de la mano, Bella empieza a marearse y para cuando lo quiere ayudar este ya se había curado, para cuando el hombre lobo se retira la invita a un pic-nic el fin de semana en La Push. Cuando Bella le dijo a Edward lo que había sucedido con sus prendas, éste llamo a Carlisle para otra conferencia en familia. En esta también trataron de encontrar sospechosos basándose en los asesinatos en Seattle. Pronto encontraron una conclusión: Alguien estaba creando un ejército de neófitos (vampiros con no más de un año de existencia). Edward convence a Bella de asistir al pic-nic de Jacob.Al pic-nic asistieron todas las personas que Bella había conocido en La Push incluidos la viuda y los hijos de Harry Clearwater. Esa noche Billy Black y Quil Ateara contaron la leyenda sobre el surgimiento de los hombres lobo y como fue el primer encuentro con los vampiros.Alice le dice a Bella que su fiesta de graduación se acercaba. La muchacha siente un temor verdadero al escuchar que se aproximaba la fecha en la cual ella sería un vampiro. Bella también le confiesa a Edward que sentía una gran vergüenza con el tema de casarse con el a los 18 años de edad. Después de leer un artículo en el periódico acera de la oleada de crímenes en Seattle, Edward y Bella acuden a Jasper. Este en función de hacer comprender el tema a Bella le cuenta su historia desde el principio, y al final llegan a la conclusión de que el ejército de neófitos estaba buscando destruir a la familia Cullen para quedarse con su territorio. La familia decide ir a la guerra y pedir ayuda a la familia de Tanya, quienes se rehusan por que un miembro se había enamorado de Laurent y juraba venganza contra los hombres lobo que lo habían asesinado. Los Cullen tenían pocas probabilidades de no sufrir bajas en la guerra.Bella baja a La Push de nuevo, donde Jacob le confiesa estar enamorado de ella y la besa apasionadamente sin que ella le correspondiera. Al terminar el acto Bella lo golpea pero sólo consigue romperse la mano en el intento, Jacob la lleva devuelta a casa y al enterasrse Edward se pone furioso pero no al grado de desatar una pelea con Jacob. Carlisle arregla la mano de Bella.Llega el día de la graduación de Bella y con ello la fiesta que le había organizado Alice. A esta también asistieron Jake, Quil y Embry. Al enterarse de la sutuación en la que se encontraban los Cullen, se mostraron emocionados en la posibilad de que Sam aceptara participar el la guerra. Ahora los Cullen tenían más posibilidades de sobrevivir.Por las siguientes dos noches tanto los hombres lobo como los vampiros recibieron instrucciones de parte de Jasper, quien tenía un pasado como General de guerra. Edward no iba a participar en esta porque Bella se lo había pedido, no soportaba la idea de no saber si él estaría bien. Alice usó como pretexto una pijamada en su casa para lograr que Charlie la dejará irse por dos día mientras toda la familia excepto Edward se iba de caza, esa noche Bella accedió a casarse con Edward si este después de casarse, se acostaban sólo por una noche. Edward accedió y de esa forma Bella recibió su sortija.Durante la guerra, Edward y Bella se mantendrían alejados en una tienda donde también estaría Jacob. Más tarde en ausencia de Edward, la chica besa a Jacob de nuevo para convencerlo de quedarse. Este prometio volver pronto y cuando Edward aparece, y con él, Victoria, se desata una batalla en la que sale ganador Edward.Ahora ya no hay nada que retrase la transformación de Bella... pero está su mejor amigo Jacob Black.

Serie: Eclipse es la tercera parte de la saga Crepúsculo de Stephenie Meyer. La historia comienza con Crepúsculo, seguido de Luna Nueva. Eclipse se publicó el 7 de agosto del 2007. La cuarta parte, Amanecer, fue publicada el 08 de octubre de 2008. Midnight Sun (Sol de Medianoche) aún no tiene fecha de publicación. Aun así, no es la secuela de Amanecer, ya que Sol de Medianoche es sólo el primer libro contado desde la perspectiva de Edward Cullen; así, Amanecer es la última parte de las aventuras de Bella y Edward.

Sacado de Wikipedia.

Luna Nueva.


Luna Nueva (New Moon) es una novela de fantasía y romance para jóvenes creada por Stephenie Meyer y publicada en 2006; es la segunda parte de una serie de cuatro libros, de la que están publicados, además de Crepúsculo, Eclipse, y Amanecer (recién publicada en EE.UU.).


Bella Swan, es la protagonista, con 18 años. Su amado Edward se ha ido de Forks y ella ha entrado en un proceso de depresión. Logra salir un poco de ésta gracias a su nuevo amigo Jacob Black, quien se enamora de ella. Bella pronto descubre que Jacob se ha convertido en un Licántropo, enemigo natural de los vampiros. Además, es consciente que es la presa de Victoria, la compañera de James, a modo de venganza. Y comprende que no está a salvo ni ella ni sus seres cercanos.


Luna Nueva comienza con el decimoctavo cumpleaños de Bella. No es un muy buen día porque se vuelve mayor que Edward. A pesar de que Bella no desea celebrar su cumpleaños, Edward y su hermana Alice, de la cual se vuelve amiga en Crepúsculo, logran convencerla de que vaya a la Mansión Cullen. La familia Cullen está compuesta por Carlisle y Esme, los padres de la familia y sus cinco hijos: Edward, Emmet, Rosalie, Alice y Jasper. Éste último ha sido el miembro más nuevo de la familia, aún no acostumbrado al estilo de vida de los Cullen, que solo se alimentan de animales. El cumpleaños termina en un desastre cuando Bella se corta un dedo abriendo un regalo. Esa sangre descontrola a Jasper, quien trata de atacarla. Más tarde Edward dice a Bella que ella estaría mejor y más segura sin él, su familia, ni su peligroso estilo de vida y decide dejar Forks, junto a su familia. Le hace creer que ya no siente nada por ella, diciéndole que será como si nunca hubiese existido. Bella cae en una profunda depresión por cuatro meses. Es en ese momento cuando su padre, desesperado por su comportamiento, la amenaza con enviarla a vivir junto a su madre. Bella intenta entonces superar su tristeza. Un día, intentando liberarse de una visita al psicólogo organizada por su padre, invita a su amiga Jessica, a quien había dejado de ver por su relación con Edward, a Port Angels a ver una película y a comer algo. Luego de ver la película, vieron a cuatro hombres fuera de un bar. Bella se acercó a ellos, sin saber muy bien por qué, escuchando en ese momento la voz de Edward en su cabeza, ordenándole volver con Jessica. Pronto comprende que exponerse al peligro le permite oír su voz. Aún deprimida y desesperada por oír la voz de Edward, consigue unas desgastadas motocicletas, que sabe sólo Jacob Black podría arreglar. Comienza a acercarse a Jacob, sintiendo junto a él un poco de consuelo a su dolor, hasta que llegan a ser amigos muy cercanos. Jacob le enseña a Bella como manejar una motocicleta. Cerca de donde vive Jacob, La Push, los jóvenes practican el Salto del Acantilado hacia el mar. Jacob promete a Bella que la llevará a hacerlo, después de que ella ve a unos chicos haciéndolo. Jacob le explica que son los seguidores de la secta de Sam el guardabosques, quienes después de unirse a él cambiaron mucho. La relación de Bella con Jacob está ya a punto de volverse un romance cuando Jacob deja de responder las llamadas de Bella. Ella, incapaz de comprender lo que sucede, comienza a deprimirse nuevamente, hasta que decide ir a La Push y enfrentarlo. En ese momento comprende que Jacob se ha convertido en un hombre-lobo o licántropo, quienes son enemigos de los vampiros y defienden a los humanos de ellos. Al mismo tiempo, descubre que Victoria (una vampira perteneciente al clan que le atacó al final de la novela Crepúsculo) ha vuelto para vengarse. Bella va a visitar a Jacob y como esperaba a que volviera de buscar a Victoria nuevamente, decidio que ella seria capaz de realizar salto de acantilado sin su compañia, aunque no tuvo en cuenta la tormenta que se avecinaba. Se lanzó dando un grito de júbilo y en el agua no era capaz de mantenerse a flote, rayando en la inconciencia y luego de ver una especie de llama roja en el agua; empezo a ahogarse en el agua y sentia a cada instante la voz de Edward que rugía cosas para que se salve, casi se ahoga en el intento de no ser porque Jacob la salvó. Cuando Alice, la hermana de Edward (quien puede predecir el futuro) ve a Bella saltar, cree que se ha suicidado, y vuelve enseguida a Forks. Edward, totalmente apartado de su familia, recibe la noticia de Rosalie, su otra hermana. Al llamar a la casa de Bella para asegurarse de que habia pasado, contesta Jacob Black, Edward se hace pasar por Carlisle y pregunta por Charlie, quien casualmente se encontraba en el entierro de su mejor amigo, Jacob menciona el entierro, Edward cree que es a Bella a quien están sepultando. Alice, ya en Forks, le cuenta a Bella que Edward va a ir a Italia a buscar a los Vulturis (un clan de vampiros antiguos que ejercian la ley), para que lo destruyeran. Esto Edward se lo había dicho a Bella en alguna ocasión, si alguna vez le pasaba algo a Bella, iría hacia los Vulturis para que lo destruyeran, ya que el no estaba dispuesto a vivir sin ella. Bella y Alice van rápidamente a Volterra, Italia (Localidad dónde viven los Vulturis) a tratar de salvar a Edward. La única regla que ponen los Vulturis es que los humanos nunca sepan de la existencia de los Vampiros. Ya en Italia, Bella encuentra a Edward y lo convence de no cometer aquél error, pero ya estaban demasiado cerca de los Vulturis. Bella choca contra Edward quien estando a punto de exponerse al sol y creyéndose por fin muerto piensa que su alma está junto a la de Bella. Los Vulturius se los llevan a una especie de cámara subterránea y les hacen jurar que Bella se convertirá, o ellos mismos irán a asesinarla. De vuelta en Forks, Bella y Edward vuelven a estar juntos y éste promete que siempre la amará y que no la volverá a dejar de nuevo. Le confiesa que jamás dejó de amarla, y sólo la dejó por que así creía que estaría a salvo. También le dice que está dispuesto a transformarla sólo si primero se casan. Ella no quiere casarse, por lo cual el plan B es que Carlisle la transformase después de la graduación cuando termine el instituto, pero aún así acepta. Así mismo, Bella está en un dilema: Si no se convierte en Vampiro, los Vulturis irán y la asesinarán, y aún así, sí los Cullen la transformaran, los hombres lobos de La Push tratarían de apartar a los Cullen de su área.

Sacado de Wikipedia.

lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2008


Crepúsculo (Twilight) es una novela romántica de vampiros enfocada hacia el público joven y adolescente. Fue escrita por la autora Stephenie Meyer y publicada en 2005; es la primera parte de una serie de cuatro libros, de la que están publicados, además de Crepúsculo, Luna Nueva, Eclipse, y Amanecer. Sol de Media Moche es un proyecto aparte, sin finalizar, en el que Stephenie lleva trabajando desde hace tiempo. Según ella, es la misma historia que ya conocemos pero desde el punto de vista de Edward.

Argumento: (puede contener adelantos)

La protagonista de la historia es Bella Swan, una joven de diecisiete años que se muda con su padre a Forks, Washington, después de que su madre iniciara una nueva vida con otro hombre. En el colegio conoce a cinco jóvenes, los Cullen, que han sido adoptados por el doctor Carlisle Cullen. Uno de ellos, Edward Cullen, llama la atención de Bella. Su atención sube al máximo cuando descubre que Edward posee una gran fuerza y velocidad, ya que cuando se encuentra en peligro él aparece como "por arte de magia" a rescatarla. A partir de esto, Bella cree que es una especie de superhéroe. Pero todo cambia cuando conoce a Jacob Black, un joven de la tribu quileute que, entre mitos e historias, le cuenta que Edward y su familia son vampiros. Días después Edward le confirma a Bella que es un vampiro (de ahí su fueza y velocidad; también puede leer pensamientos, menos los de Bella). Ella desea estar con él, ya que siente algo especial por Edward. Pero él no quiere estar cerca de Bella, ya que la quiere, y su verdadera identidad podría llegar a acabar con su vida. Ambos viven aventuras y enredos, entre ellos combatir contra el aquelarre de James, otro vampiro que desea la sangre de Bella. Esta historia no es seguida al pie de la letra en la pelicula basada en este libro.


Stephenie Meyer ha declarado que la manzana en la portada representa el fruto prohibido del libro de Génesis. Simboliza el amor de Bella y Edward, que está prohibido. También representa la elección.