viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2008

Nikki Reed appears in Twilight.

Twilight star Nikki Reed has a few things to get off her chest. No, Catherine Hardwicke is not her stepmother. And no, just because they're pals, Catherine doesn't just get to cast Nikki in all of her movies. The truth is Catherine dated Nikki's dad a hella long time ago -- Nikki's dad has been married for 10 years, thankyouverymuch. And that while Catherine and Nikki have worked together on Thirteen, Lords of Dogtown, and Twilight, landing a movie role isn't as simple as having the director snap her fingers. Look at DiCaprio, Nikki says. He's worked with the same director for years now. That happens a lot -- you find a good team, and her and I happen to make a good team. Yes, they do, and Twilight is no exception. In the movie, Nikki plays the devastatingly beautiful Rosalie Cullen, but you might not recognize this natural brunette with her blond 'do. Find out how she made her physical transformation, and don't forget to come back tomorrow for another Twilight interview.
What was it like going blonde for the movie?
I thought it was a really good opportunity for me to be blonde with no eyebrows and different color eyes. I put in so much -- I sat in the hair chair for 36 hours just to get the top part of my hair blond. We did a screen test where I had a wig on, and the fans just went berserk! They were picking at every little thing because naturally they would, and they were like, Look at her, she's wearing a wig! So I was like, I'm going blond, I'm dying my hair blond, even though I'm going to go bald after this, which I did.
Really? No way!
My hair didn't fall out of the root, but as you see pictures of me in the more recent months or weeks, I have a lot of layers, and that's because my hair basically broke off to about two inches long. But I went blonde and I bleached certain parts of my skin and scrubbed a lot, did a lot of exfoliation, and it was a process. It was a long process.
It must have helped you get into character though, to get into this vampire-being.
Yeah, I mean it was pretty weird living in a place where there's no sunlight ever. Portland was rainy, cloudy, and also waking up in the morning and looking at myself looking like that [helped]. I mean, for the sake of not having to spend hours in the makeup chair, I bleached my skin, I exfoliated my skin, I had my hair dyed, my eyebrows dyed, and I was in there every other day, even if I wasn't shooting, making sure my roots weren't showing. It did help because I woke up every morning and I looked in the mirror and I was like, That's Rosalie.
How did you get your skin color back to normal?
There's a funny progression. As soon as I wrapped Twilight, I lay in the sun for an entire day. I looked like a lobster, and that was really funny, too, because I kept my hair blonde because God forbid we end up doing reshoots, and we did end up doing reshoots! But I lay in the sun and my skin just like boiled. I think I got blisters. It was a really terrible idea. The rest of this year, I haven't really gone back to my normal skin color. I'm still staying pretty pale because hopefully we're doing sequels. But the next film I'm doing right before Twilight is called K 11, and I have to be really tan for that. Kristen Stewart and I are starring in that along with Jason Mewes.
It's funny -- Kristen and Evan Rachel Wood kind of look alike. Do you see the resemblance?
Yeah. They're both very talented girls. Evan and I were really close when we were shooting Thirteen, but we actually haven't spoken in quite a few years. We sort of went our separate ways. Not in a bad way, but just because it got crazy and busy after Thirteen, and I didn't want to be an actor after that movie. But that movie sort of launched her in a very big way, so she was working, and I went back to high school, but Kristen and I are pretty good best buddies. We spend about every day together. It's been amazing.
It must have been cool shooting with such a big young cast. What did you guys do off-set in Portland?
Well, Kristen and I aren't really partiers -- at times I've been labeled, because of films I do, as sort of that girl when that's just the character I play. But Kristen and I do read a lot and we write a lot, so we were a really good sort of team. We just hung out at her place or my place. We did a lot of walking around, going to street fairs, talking all night, and watching films together, and we did a lot of group dinners with the whole cast. Like, we would go to this one restaurant called Jake's every couple of nights. We'd all go, and the poor manager finally got so sick of [us] going like, Hi, reservation for 26! It was tons of fun no matter what.
Since you're a big reader, what other books would you like to see made into movies?
I really am a big reader. Well, let me tell you something else -- I'm not good with films, so it is very possible that books that I like have been made into movies. I do know that like, OK, Grapes of Wrath was made into a film. I don't know if Reading Lolita in Tehran was made into a film. I don't know if Khaled Hossein's last book A Thousand Splendid Suns was made into a film. Like the Red Panda -- it's not like the most complicated read, but it's a very cool, youthful story. Things that I relate to -- Go Ask Alice I feel like would make a great film.
Which of the Cullens' powers do you wish you had in real life?
I would like to have Jasper's power. I'd like to be able to change people's emotions and manipulate the mood in a room. I think I try to do that, anyway. I already feel like I have the power.
Twilight has such an intense fan base. Do you feel particularly pressured to be part of something that people are so psyched for?
I think I just can't -- I have to be completely unaware of the pressures in order to succeed, if that makes sense. Certain cast members (who remain unnamed) like to go online and look at their blogs and stuff because everything is like really super great. I choose to not know anything, good or bad, but it's obvious when we go to events or anything Twilight-related. The fans are so great -- they're screaming, they love us and our characters who we're playing, and it's all very positive. But I try not to even look at that too much because I feel like it's best to be unaware so that you don't have to feel that pressure. I just really hope they love it, so we can go back and do another one because I tell you that there's nothing better than getting to work with your best friend, and Kristen and I are just planning on working together for a long time.

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